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Virtual Pediatrics

Our practice focuses on maintaining the health and wellness of children through nutrition, physical activity and education. This can only be accomplished with time. We are able to offer 30-60min appointments with our members, thereby allowing you to have all your questions answered. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports telemedicine visits!

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  Conditions we treat


ADHD, Depression, Anxiety

Skin rashes, Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

Pink eye, styes, tear duct blockage

Coughs and colds, ear concerns, sinus pain, allergies (Seasonal and annual), asthma management

Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation, nausea, menstrual cycle issues, gut flora issues

Picky eating, nutritional deficiencies

Sleep issues

Breastfeeding medicine

Exercise and safe weight management 

Newborn care - growth and development, feeding, education, general questions

And so much more



  Medical coordination of care


Our Pediatrician coordinates medical care for children with chronic conditions, ensuring that all subspecialities are up to date with the management plan and working together for the overall health and wellness of your child.

  Medications, Labs, Imaging


Medications can be prescribed when appropriate, refilled for chronic conditions and managed to receive the best outcome for your child's condition. Routine labs or specific labs can be ordered at the lab of your choice and results evaluated. Imaging studies are required less frequently but can be ordered and evaluated when necessary.

Our Pediatrician uses a combination of traditional medicine and holistic medicine to maintain health and wellness.



The most important tool a parent can have when caring for their child is education. Your telemedicine visit will not be rushed. All your questions, concerns and needs will be addressed with our long appointments. You will know how to care for your infant, toddler, child, teenager with confidence. Dr. Ross is a great teacher and loves explaining the way the body works. You will always have evidence based medicine at your finger tips.

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